Location analysis for retailer in Germany

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Distance to next motorway junction in km
Distance to next motorway junction in km
City, district or state
A1, A6, A96, etc.
Distance to next railroad station in km
Distance to next railroad station in km
Distance to next airport in km
Distance to next airport in km
Distance to next harbour in km
Distance to next harbour in km
Distance to next cargo transport centre in km
Cargo transport centre
Distance to next cargo transport centre in km
Figures of tax rate in %
Level of land tax B
Figures of tax rate in %
Industries that are located at business locations.
Availability of broadband internet
Die Höhe der Arbeitskosten im Bundesland in EUR pro Stunde
Arbeitskosten im produzierenden Gewerbe
Die Höhe der Arbeitskosten im Bundesland in EUR pro Stunde
Figures in €/h (in the state)
Labor costs: service industries
Figures in €/h (in the state)
Figures in % (in the district)
Workers with vocational education
Figures in % (in the district)
Figures in % (in the district)
Workers with academic education
Figures in % (in the district)
Figures in % (in the district)
Workers without vocational training
Figures in % (in the district)
Research institutions that are located at business locations.
Availability of subsidies and funding programmes at the business location.
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Proximity search
Units: Kilometers
Address, City, Zip-Code, Country, ...
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Figures in €/inhabitant/year
Retail purchasing power
Figures in €/inhabitant/year
Figures of tax rate in %
Level of business tax
Figures of tax rate in %
Unemployment rate in %
Unemployment rate
Unemployment rate in %