Find suitable business locations in Germany

Finding the most suitable business location in Germany and making the right location decision often turns out to be difficult in practice as investors and companies usually have different requirements for locations depending on their objectives.

Finding industrial areas in Germany made easy

There's no database that contains all currently available commercial and industrial estates throughout Germany. How can you still be sure to consider all available sites in your search?

Simply ask the municipalities yourself - with our Business Location Explorer ©. Analyze and identify suitable business locations and contact the municipalities directly.

Find suitable business sites with our location analysis tools

On My|BusinessLocation you can analyze business locations according to the location factors relevant to you using filter and sorting options. In addition, we offer the opportunity to compare suitable locations directly with each other.

For industrial companies

Standortanalyse Industrie / Location analysis industry

Location analysis industry

For logistics companies

Standortanalyse Logistik / Location analysis logistics

Location analysis logistics