Warehouses for rent in Berlin

Are you looking for a warehouse to rent in Berlin? You can find a selection of available warehouses in the area below. If there is no suitable option you can also send us your requirements. We know the available warehouses to rent.


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Warehouse Location Available area Smallest unit
Logistics real estate in Berlin-Reinickendorf
Logistikfläche in Berlin-Reinickendorf
  • Berlin
  • Kreisfreie Stadt
  • Berlin
2 941 m²
2 941 m²
Warehouse and logistics property northeast of Berlin
Warehouse and logistics property northeast of Berlin
  • Berlin
  • Kreisfreie Stadt
  • Berlin
12 141 m²
In 1 year
3 845 m²
Innovative warehouse in the North of Berlin
Warehouse in the North of Berlin
  • Berlin
  • Kreisfreie Stadt
  • Berlin
8 517 m²
3 759 m²
Warehouse in Berlin-Marzahn (East)
Lagerhalle in Berlin-Marzahn
  • Berlin
  • Kreisfreie Stadt
  • Berlin
11 600 m²
1 100 m²
Warehouse and logistics property in Berlin East
Warehouse and logistics property in Berlin East
  • Berlin
  • Kreisfreie Stadt
  • Berlin
18 199 m²
3 154 m²
Warehouse in South-Berlin
Warehouse in South-Berlin
  • Berlin
  • Kreisfreie Stadt
  • Berlin
4 571 m²
1 000 m²

Rental prices for warehouses in Berlin - what are the costs?

Warehouse rental costs in Berlin can vary widely based on factors like size, facilities, and demand. The following table gives you a rough overview of the rental costs.

Region Location Rental costs (existing warehouse) Rental costs (new warehouse)
Business location Berlin
  • Germany
  • Berlin
  • Kreisfreie Stadt
3,90 €/m² - 7,50 €/m² 4,10 €/m² - 7,50 €/m²

Rent warehouse

Rent warehouse