Commercial properties in Eichstätt, Landkreis

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Commercial property Location Type of use Available effective area
Logistics center near Ingolstadt
Logistics center near Ingolstadt Germany Floorplan
  • Germany
  • Bavaria
  • Eichstätt, Landkreis
  • Großmehring
Storage/ logistics space 10 644 m²
Warehouse and light industrial property near Ingolstadt
Lagerhalle_Warehouse Ingolstadt
  • Germany
  • Bavaria
  • Eichstätt, Landkreis
  • Großmehring
Storage/ logistics space, Hall/ production space 2 770 m²
Logistics property in Hepberg
Example image of logistics property
  • Germany
  • Bavaria
  • Eichstätt, Landkreis
  • Hepberg
Storage/ logistics space 10 552 m²

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✓ Commercial areas | ✓ Commercial properties | ✓ New or existing property ✓ Logistics/Warehouse | ✓ Industry/Production

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