Business location Wartburgkreis, Landkreis

Facts and Figures

117 967
Unemployment rate*
4,60 %
Retail purchasing power*
5 312 EUR/Einwohner/Jahr

Qualification of labour

Labour with vocational training*
Labour with academic education*
Labour without training*

Level of labour costs

Level of labour costs in production industry (in the federal state)*
25,31 EUR/h
Level of labour costs in service industry (in the federal state)*
26,91 EUR/h

Industrial real estate

    Commercial area Available area Type of use
    Industriegebiet Eisenach Kindel 170 500 m² Industrial area (GI)
    Gewerbe- und Industriegebiet Behringen 70 000 m² Commercial area (GE), Industrial area (GI)
    Gewerbegebiet Großenlupnitz 60 000 m² Commercial area (GE)
    Gewerbe- und Industriegebiet Sättelstädt 30 000 m² Commercial area (GE), Industrial area (GI)

    Location in Germany

    District with all municipalities

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