Business location Vorpommern-Greifswald, Landkreis

Facts and Figures

235 773
Unemployment rate*
8,00 %
Retail purchasing power*
4 817 EUR/Einwohner/Jahr

Qualification of labour

Labour with vocational training*
Labour with academic education*
Labour without training*

Level of labour costs

Level of labour costs in production industry (in the federal state)*
23,78 EUR/h
Level of labour costs in service industry (in the federal state)*
25,59 EUR/h

Industrial real estate

    Commercial area Available area Type of use
    Industriepark Berlin-Szczecin 1 220 000 m² Industrial area (GI)
    Gewerbegebiet Herrenhufen Nord 119 000 m² Commercial area (GE), Industrial area (GI)
    Tarnower Chaussee - Südost 90 000 m² Commercial area (GE)
    Technologiepark Greifswald 60 000 m² Commercial area (GE)
    Gewerbegebiet Herrenhufen Süd 56 000 m² Commercial area (GE), Industrial area (GI)
    Tarnower Chaussee 30 000 m² Commercial area (GE)
    Gewerbegebiet Ziegelhof / Am Mühlenweg 11 000 m² Commercial area (GE), Mixed areas (MI)
    Gewerbegebiet Helmshäger Berg 10 600 m² Commercial area (GE), Industrial area (GI)
    Gewerbegebiet Seehafen Ladebow 4 057 m² Commercial area (GE), Special areas (SO), Mixed areas (MI)
    Commercial property Available area Type of use
    BioTechnikum Greifswald Office/laboratory/practice space
    Technologiezentrum Vorpommern Office/laboratory/practice space

    Location in Germany

    District with all municipalities

    My|BusinessLocation Kundenservice