Germany > Northrhine-Westphalia > Paderborn, Kreis > Bad Lippspringe Business location information: Business location Bad Lippspringe Informationen about the property Free of commission Type of use Storage/ logistics space Total area 34 886 m² Effective area 34 886 m² Smallest unit 8 697 m² Office and social space 2 438 m² 24/7 delivery Yes Height 10,50 m Availability Soon Rent/purchase Rent Motorway Motorway (distance) 6 km Name of motorway A33 Name of motorway junction Paderborn-Sennelager (A33) Airport Airport (distance) 22 km Name of airport Flughafen Paderborn/Lippstadt Port Port (distance) 58 km Name of port Hafen Bückeburg-Berenbusch Port type Inland port Waters Mittellandkanal Modality (port) bimodal Freight village Freight village (distance) 75 km Name of freight village GVZ Kassel Modality (freight village) bimodal Contact My|BusinessLocation Kundenservice Commercial Property Management Thomas Leibold m² Website