Germany > Bavaria > Mühldorf a.Inn, Landkreis > Mühldorf a.Inn Business location information: Business location Mühldorf a.Inn Informationen about the property Free of commission Type of use Storage/ logistics space Total area 8 100 m² Effective area 8 100 m² Smallest unit 8 100 m² Office and social space 435 m² 24/7 delivery Yes Height 12,10 m Availability Immediately Rent/purchase Rent Description of the commercial property Object not yet built. Individual requirements of the future user can be taken into account during development. Completion will take place 12 months after signing the lease. Motorway Motorway (distance) 2 km Name of motorway A94 Name of motorway junction Mühldorf-West (A94) Airport Airport (distance) 52 km Name of airport Flughafen München „Franz Josef Strauß“ Port Port (distance) 72 km Name of port Hafen Deggendorf Port type Inland port Waters Donau Modality (port) trimodal Freight village Freight village (distance) 87 km Name of freight village GVZ Regensburg Modality (freight village) trimodal Contact My|BusinessLocation Commercial Property Management Thomas Leibold m² Website